Design Research for
Pakistan’s leading financial


Service Design, Ethnography
0 m

users migrated to digital channels

0 %

year on year growth in digital transactions

0 %

cost reduction through digital transactions



HBL, Pakistan’s largest financial institution, faced a growing need to shift its 20-million-strong customer base from physical branches to digital channels to improve cost efficiency and accessibility. With a large network of over 1,700 branches, HBL partnered with Designist to understand why customers preferred in-branch transactions and how to encourage digital migration.

problem we were trying to solve

Operating traditional branches was significantly more costly than digital transactions. To optimize resources, HBL needed a clear strategy to transition customers to digital platforms without compromising their experience.

our role

Designist conducted an extensive analysis of customer behavior and branch processes to identify pain points and barriers to digital adoption. Through in-depth field research, we mapped customer journeys across seven key transaction types and engaged branch employees to understand procedural variations. This research uncovered insights that were critical for creating a seamless digital experience.

Design Process

Our team identified 7 core transactions that take place
at branches, both financial and non-financial. Such as:
  • fund transfers,
  • bill payments, and
  • balance inquiries

  • The key was to understand why customers are going to
    the branch to conduct these transactions vs doing so on
    digital channels.

    Our field research
    provided us with over 200
    customer interviews

    We visited branches across Karachi, Lahore and
    Islamabad to identify different insights that helped us
    completely understand these 7 transactions.

    Our field research provided us with over 200 customer
    interviews, gathering data that was essential in building
    detailed customer journeys.


    Customer Journey Mapping

    Creating customer journey maps for all 7 transactions
    helped us identify the friction and pain points that occur
    for the customer, at each stage of their experience with
    HBL’s service.

    This first step of identifying pain points, for both users
    and providers of the service, is helpful in laying
    foundations that allow us to ideate solutions for these
    pain points.
    The journey map also helps identify the non-tangible
    experiences that customers go through. Such as:
  • being greeted
  • how long they have to stand in a line
  • the bank staff’s behaviour towards them
  • Customer Journey Map
    Definition: A journey map is a visual representation that
    helps identify all the touchpoints of a product or service
    that a user experiences
    General Transaction Journey (blurred for data protection)

    Process Mapping

    The process mapping exercise enabled us to engage
    branch employees – particularly in understanding how
    the transaction experience varied across different

    Even with standardised process documentation, we
    noted that each branch brings in their subtle changes in
    approach – sometimes good, and sometimes not so good.

    Artifacts Study

    Designist also conducted an in-depth study into the
    various artifacts that had to be utilised by the service
    user and service provider – with the different approaches
    build our process recommendations.

    During this period, it was also noted how each branch
    had a different mechanism to solve for common recurring

    Leveraging on co-creation

    Designist led a 3-day co-creative session with various
    stakeholders from HBL, to reflect on different challenges
    that we uncovered during our field research; faced by
    the customers and the employees at the branches.
    These ideation sessions were able to gather innovative
    solutions and unique insights of each representative.


    Session outcome

    Our research laid the platform for the bank’s Channel
    Migration agenda – where employees were incentivised
    to ensure that customers shift their high volume, low
    value transactions towards digital channels.

    Our work enabled HBL to launch a Channel Migration agenda, driving customers towards digital channels with incentives and support. This initiative resulted in a 40% annual increase in mobile app users and a 90% growth in digital transactions, strengthening HBL’s digital-first approach and significantly reducing costs.

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