Improving digital usability to improve farming prospects
Service Design
Farmers impacted
Yield increase
Reduction in water usage
Engro Rahbar was a one-stop-shop for the farmer to engage with Engro and get a complete solution of farming (sowing, growing, maintaining, and harvesting). This platform required multiple stakeholder types that facilitate the entire process.
our role
Engro Fertilizers Limited engaged Designist to conduct a comprehensive evaluation on their Engro Rahbar platform from a usability and design perspective.
Stakeholder Interviews
This platform required multiple stakeholder types that facilitate the entire process.
Designist was brought on board to evaluate the entire platform and understand the user’s pain points and understand the rationale behind each feature, or propose new features based on stakeholder feedback.
The platform was designed for basic actions but with the expansion in functionalities, and growing business needs, it had evolved into a complex system.
The stakeholders had multiple challenges performing actions on the platform which made it difficult for business owners to track performance.
Field Research
Going out into the field and speaking to stakeholders helps us recognise the pain points that people have when engaging with a digital platform.
For users that have relatively lower tech-literacy, even the most basic functionalities may be a deterrent to engaging regularly.
Heuristic Evaluation
Heuristic evaluation was conducted on
380+ screens of the existing platform. We also conducted user research through
interviews and usability testing with various stakeholders.
This provided insights into not only the user’s pain-points and suggestions for the modules they were using, but also for the other modules connected to their own.
The Outcome
The results of the heuristic evaluation and field research have allowed Engro to revisit their decisions and streamline the Engro Rahbar programme by re-imagining various functionalities that may not be a basic user need, or are currently a hindrance in performing a task.
Through the Engro Rahbar programme: more than 50,000 farmers
were postively impacted, there was a 15% increase in yield, and a 20% reduction in water usage.